Monday, March 15, 2010

Astrology is Science

Yes, it’s true. Astrology is Science. This is according to the definition of Science of the proponents of Intelligent Design (aka Creationism). For if we define science as the search for truth and knowledge, then it should also include an attempt to understand the supernatural. And so as we say goodbye to the Year of the Rat and welcome the Year of the Ox, let’s make believe that (Chinese) Astrology, is in fact, science.

What’s in store for us in the Year of the Ox?

Go to the site and see how your sign fares in the Year of the Ox. As a follow-up to last year’s vanity post, here’s what’s in store for the me in the Year of the Ox:

Here’s to good health, prosperity and success in the Year of the Ox! And as they say here in Hanoi, Chuc Mung Nam Moi.

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