Wednesday, March 17, 2010

« Dell Inspiron Mini 9 vs Inspiron Mini 10 vs Inspiron Mini 12 comparison Asus Eee PC 901 Specification » Asus Eee PC 901 vs 1000H vs 1000HE Asu

The good value Asus Eee PC comparison, this time between the Asus Eee PC 901, the Asus Eee PC 1000H and the Asus Eee PC 1000HE, all of which have fantastic battery life.

All of these Asus netbooks have a good specification including Draft N, 3 USB ports and practically all day use with the 901 featuring an SSD hard disk instead of the conventional hard disks in the 1000H and 1000HE netbooks.

The 901 is more portable, as it is lighter and slightly smaller but still manages to pack a lot in. It is also the cheapest of the 3 at only around £240. But then you don’t have to pay much more for the 1000H, which is available for just less than £260. The 1000HE is the real workhorse of the 3 will the longest battery life and a slightly faster processor but is also the most expensive.

In our view all of these 3 Eee PC’s offer great value for money. But what then are the differences that are important to you with regards to these 3 Asus netbooks and which should you think about buying? Have a look at the comparison table below.

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